Samara Centre for Democracy Advises on Safer Working Conditions for Elected Officials

August 5, 2024
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Samara Centre for Democracy Advises on Safer Working Conditions for Elected Officials
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On Thursday, May 30th, 2024 our CEO Sabreena Delhon provided expert testimony before the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC) to support its review of the Members of the House of Commons Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy.

In her statement, Sabreena drew from the MP Exit Interview project where former Members of Parliament across parties have expressed concern that their conditions of work create significant barriers to achieving a Parliament that is representative of Canadian society. 

MP’s repeatedly shared concerns that a failure to improve Parliament as a workplace would undermine the faith and trust that Canadians have in this institution. The way forward isn’t through policies alone but through the formation of a healthy culture that can reverse this normalization of an increasingly hostile environment on and offline.

- Sabreena Delhon, CEO of the Samara Centre for Democracy

Watch the full discussion and find Sabreena’s statement at 12:46:51.

Watch the Proceedings

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